Tired of sending resumes in vain?

Whether you’re an experienced professional willing to take your career to the next level or a student looking for your first job … this #1 Amazon bestselling book can give you an extra boost to succeed!

Throughout 10+ years experience in coaching and employment counseling, the author noticed several common blind spots that affect the job search results.

The most important?

Misunderstanding the factors that influence the hiring decision, leading to more time and energy spent to get the desired results.

Understanding the others’ perspective (employers, recruiters, services providers) will help in adjusting your job search accordingly—which increases your chances to get hired!

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What you’ll find inside

  • Employers’ point of view on the recruitment process, and factors that influence their decision
  • Recruiters’ perspective, and how their services could affect your job search
  • Service Providers’ point of view (employment counselors, career coaches, etc.), and how to benefit the most from their services
  • Several job search tips for the introverted and shy, addressing their specific challenges
  • Blind spots of the candidates’ perspective, and how to uncover their wisdom to accelerate your job search!


What readers say:

A personal conversation with your own expert coach
I’m a fellow professional who has worked for years with corporate clients in the field of employee hiring, development, and retention. If you’re in the midst of, or even contemplating a job search, you owe it to yourself to read this book! 
For me, Casineanu’s clear focus on the employer’s perspective (in the difficult challenge of hiring a new employee) is one of the most valuable aspects of this book. Just as important, she helps readers view their job search through the critical lens of their own self-limiting assumptions and behaviors – inadvertent but correctable mistakes that can derail a job search or interview.
~ E. Thomas Behr, Ph.D., Author of The Tao of Sales: The Easy Way to Sell in Tough Times

It’s Not Only About You!
The stress of looking for a job makes most job-seekers understandably self-focused. In her latest book “The Key Factor: Understanding the Employer’s Perspective”, Gabriela Casineanu helps job-seekers pick their heads up to see the bigger picture. Through her clear writing and examples, she not only explains the importance of understanding the employer’s perspective on hiring (they are nervous too!), but she offers implementable strategies for job candidates to build and communicate empathy with a potential employer. As a career coach myself, I know to be true how frequently job seekers get so wrapped up in themselves that they miss fundamental and critical steps in marketing themselves.

~ Susan Peppercorn, Career Coach, Bestselling Author of “Ditch Your Inner Critic At Work: Evidence-Based Strategies To Thrive In Your Career”

How a shift in perspective affects job search results
Whether you’ve read tons of literature on the subject before opening this book or not, be prepared for an epiphany; like that individual mentioned in the book who was so tired of unsuccessful job hunting that he avoided eye contact due to his self-confidence vanishing… until his coach (incidentally the author) gave him an advice that changed the way he perceived himself. A must read!

~ Franko K.

Attention job seekers!!! This is your book!
This is not just a book about understanding the perspectives of the employer. It will also help the job seekers ask and reflect on themselves, their approach, strategies, and attitude in the job hunting process. I love the practicality of this book as it’s also based on the first-hand experience of the author which makes the book a more interesting read. It is clearly written and enriched with examples and tips to make one understand the cycle of the hiring process and most importantly the employer’s point of view. Every job seeker should have this book.

~ Elsa Mendoza, Bestselling Author of “You Can Quote Me On This: Words To Empower You and Awaken Your Consciousness”

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