I’m supposed to write something about 2012. Well, it’s true: I gave myself this challenge! 🙂 Few days already passed, and still … no ideas what to write about. This evening I decided to find out, as in “I don’t write to say what I think but to know what I think ”! (Emmanuel Berl’s quote?)
Here’s what came out:

It’s snowing again, small snowflakes blown away by the wind. It’s not so cold, and really feels that winter is finally here! I love winter! I love walking in the fresh snow, breathing the cold fresh air… not to mention skiing! It’s warmer inside, people get together more often, think more about what they want to achieve, what they didn’t… at least they have the intention to! 🙂 Giving and receiving gifts during the Holidays season makes you feel you’re part of a bigger community, that it’s more than just your own issues, challenges, dreams…

I’ve heard often that 2012 will be a great year! But I believe that it’ll be great in the same measure we’ll make it this way, each of us! We’re part of this Universe, of this system in this moment in time. And our decisions, actions, and feelings have an effect not only on ourselves, but also on what’s happening around us, in our community, country, continent… We don’t live in separate worlds, that don’t interact. We DO have an impact … even if we’re not aware of it!
What impact would YOU like to have on this world in 2012?

I do have big plans for 2012, but even if they will not be all accomplished I’ll give myself the permission to enjoy the journey, to welcome the challenges and opportunities that Universe will send my way. Are you in?

Happy New Year!
Gabriela Casineanu

PS: See, it does work! Even if you believe that you don’t have any idea, take the first step… than you’ll know what the second should be… an so on…

Have a wonderful 2012!
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